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AirAsia X New Destination

AirAsia X New Destination

AirAsia-X-New-Destination AirAsia X New Destination
Come 25 May 2016, there will be an AirAsia X new destination announced by the long haul carrier of Malaysia’s largest budget airline.

The teaser was announced just two days before the event and mentioned that it will be a paradise island destination therefore many are speculating on where this new place will be. Many are saying  AirAsia flights to Hawaii is the one. 

The new AirAsia X destination will also be departing via Kuala Lumpur therefore this will be something to look forward too and to date, both Air Asia and AirAsia X flies to the islands of Maldives and Boracay in the Philippines.

Just a week before this, the budget long haul airline announced its direct flights to Tehran, Iran beginning in June 2016. 

On where the new destination that AirAsia X will fly, it will be announced this Wednesday where CEO Benyamin Ismail will make the announcement at a special press conference in Kuala Lumpur.

On rumors, a number of people have suggested the destination would be Okinawa in Japan as in the last five years, Japan has been a strong destination, especially for Malaysians and Southeast Asians therefore the route would be a profitable one. 

Once the AirAsia X new destination has been announced, there will surely be a promotion to this place and till then, we can only wait for the surprise. So where do you think they will be flying to?

Much of the curiosity has led to the assumption that AirAsia X will be flying to Hawaii in the United States of America. 

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