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Baby Orangutan Sleeping – Picture of the Week

Baby Orangutan Sleeping – Picture of the Week

baby-orangutan-bukit-merah-laketown Baby Orangutan Sleeping - Picture of the Week
Baby Orangutan Sleeping is my picture of the week. This cute little primate who was born at the Bukit Merah Laketown Orangutan Island, was fast asleep when I looked through the nursery window.

What made it so cute was that the baby orang utan had some stuff toys in the cot. Absolutely adorable, I had to share this picture which is one of my favourite pictures of animals.

For more information on this place, you can visit the Bukit Merah Laketown Resort Website or the Bukit Merah Orangutan Foundation Website. You can drive here from Kuala Lumpur or Penang Island as it takes only about 2-3 hours via the NKVE Highway.

The Bukit Merah Lake Town is a great place to bring your kids as there are lots of kids activities and a water theme park here and you can do it in a day plus you may even get a chance to see the Baby Orangutan here. 

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John in France

Orangutans in Malaysia have a pretty good life!! "Excuse me I'm just off to take a nap, then I can think about eating or climbing trees"

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Very cute

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That orangutan is just too adorable ๐Ÿ™‚

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Absolutely adorable! I have to see this in person!

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Malaysia Asia

Thanks everyone, I wish I could have taken it home with me ๐Ÿ™‚


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Lifecruiser Travel Blog

That's รผbercute!!! I love Orang Utans. Have one as mobile pic too, after donating to a Orang Utan cause earlier.

I wanna see one if ever going to Malaysia (which we hope to do).

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Malaysia Asia

Lifecruise, I personally think you should make your way here to see these lovely creatures. The best possible place to see them would be in Sabah Borneo. Especially at the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Center. I have an article on it under – Sabah.


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Lily Riani

goodness… that is sooo cute

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Malaysia Asia

Thanks Lily, I have another picture taken many years ago of me holding a baby orangutan at Zoo Negara too ๐Ÿ™‚


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Christy @ Ordinary Traveler

What a cutie!!

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Malaysia Asia

Christy, thank you and yes, it was too cute especially when the room was air-conditioned, it was fast asleep.


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Expat in Germany

Adorable. I'd love to volunteer with orangutans one day!

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Beautiful! Love the orangutans.

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Malaysia Asia

Thank You Nancie, I will try to get more pics to post in my next article.


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Orangutans need your help! You can adopt one for yourself or a loved one today at Orangutan Outreach: redapes.org

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I've visited the ones in Sepilok, Sabah. They really are interesting creatures. Its really cute how the trainers feed them baby orang utans with human milk bottles.

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Malaysia Asia

Stanley, thank you for stopping by and yes. it is amazing how we help these little critters get back to their normal lives. Sepilok is a great place to explore and glad you visited it.


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