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Malaysia Asia Travel Links

Malaysia Asia Travel Links

coral-view-resort-perhentian-island-boat-transfer Malaysia Asia Travel Links

This section for Malaysia Travel Links has been closed as I no longer accept travel blog links here. You can head over to my new Malaysia Travel Links Page, which only accepts personal travel blogs.

The reason for this is that from 2008 to 2010, travel blog links were very popular, and link exchanges were big back then. However, over the last 10 years, much has changed for this. 

Nowadays, more people are resorting to guest postings, versus link exchanges, as this proves more viable for the travel blog. But since the last 10 years, I have also moved away from the personal travel blogging and more of the informative blogging. 

Who is Malaysia Asia?

Malaysia Asia is a personal travel blog run by seasoned traveler David Hogan Jr, and I absolutely enjoy traveling and featuring places of interest around Malaysia and Southeast Asia.

Almost 95% of the content you see in this travel blog has been personally written, photographed and visited by me.

I have been traveling since 1987, and have visited quite a number of places around the world from a very young age when digital cameras were the future and good old film was all we had.

With over 30 years of traveling, I can easily say that I have visited all four continents, and since 2016, I have put more focus on Malaysia and Southeast Asia.

david-jr-sarawak-rafflesia-flower Malaysia Asia Travel LinksWriter attempting to ‘eat’ a Rafflesia Flower is Sarawak Borneo (Please do not do this)

Where is Malaysia Asia Featured?

  • Malaysia Asia was a Google Page Rank 4 site (Page Rank is no longer used).
  • Malaysia Asia has a Domain Authority of 46 (As of November 2018), and a Page Authority of 46. 
  • Multiple award winning travel blog, with awards from tourism boards, and not those online awards.
  • Featured in multiple international travel websites and portals including CNN Travel, Yahoo Travel, Wall Street Journal and more.
  • Malaysia Asia is a pure independent travel blog and information site.
  • Malaysia Asia was one of the Top 40 World Travel Bloggers recognized by Lonely Planet from 2008 to 2013. 
The travel links section was removed here due to restrictions made by Google on too many outgoing links. Hence, they have been moved to the new page, just listing down the many travel bloggers from around the world. 
Nowadays, there has been a surge in travel bloggers around the world as many people think by having a travel blog, they can score free press trips, familiarization trips and get sponsored by hotels, airlines and brands. 
This has put a bad name to the travel bloggers industry, where those who worked really hard in the early days are getting a bad name because of many bad apples out there. 
So, now you know the main reason why I removed the Malaysia travel links page. It is to deter overnight bloggers from contacting me to have their links listed for the backlinks. 

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Caribbean and Central America Travel
Category: Island Travel

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Family Travel through Australia and my creative journey through life. (Among Other Things)
Intentional Stones

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Hi David,

Here's my personal travel blog :


happy days,

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I just found your blog today. I have a blog, it's about personal travel. http://haveshoeswilleatandtravel.blogspot.com/

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Malaysia Asia

Thank you for participating in this exchange. I have updated the four of you. Nina, Simbelmynë, AudMraz and HaveShoesWillTravel in the respective categories.


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Spicy Sharon

I have no idea if my blog post are of any relevance as I'm Australia base at the moment. Please drop me an email at sharonloh1234@gmail.com

Thanks David.

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Malaysia Asia

Hi there Sharon, no worries as I will include you under Personal-Australia.


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Hi we are a kiwi family on a slow travel adventure living and working in as many places as we can and visiting even more while the job holds out blogging about it on the way. We currently live in Phnom Penh Cambodia land of dust and temples. What a great idea to create a resource like this. Its going to take me weeks to explore everyones links!
Here's mine

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Malaysia Asia

Hello Tanya, thank you and I have added your link under Personal-Asia


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Vania Moreira

I like your blog, but I miss feedburner…

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Shelter Magazine Putting the world to write….
I do hope you can make time in your busy schedule to write for Shelter Magazine.


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linked u XD~ btw..the raffles not smelly one meh ??

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Here you go


Travel, food and much more 🙂

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hi david, have got a travel photography blog at http://www.lechuaphotography.com.

Posts on recent travels in europe and will be updating on upcoming travels in asia and malaysia.

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Hi David,

I have a Bangkok Tour Blog details are as follows,

Bangkok Tour, Bangkok Nightlife, Bangkok Bars, Kenya Tour, African Safari

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Malaysia Asia

Vania, thanks but why d you miss feedburner?

Shelter Mag, I have emailed you and thanks.

Coco, it is not smelly, only when they die they become smelly.

TravelLeo, thank you and added.

lechuaphotography, thanks and added too.

Chris, also added and thank you.


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Auleo English

Hi David,

My blog will be concentrating on Malaysia and Singapore:


Thanks if you could include my blog as well

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Malaysia Asia

Hello Auleo, no worries, I will have it included and thank you again.


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Great post..!


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Hi David,

Here's my blog: wwww.flipnomad.com

about backpacking around asia

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Malaysia Asia

Perfect Flights and Flipnomad, thank you and added you in as well. Do add my link your site too.


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Hasan Akhtar

Heres link to my site:

Title: Travel Pakistan
URL: http://pakeztan.blogspot.com

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Hi David. Appreciate if you could link my personal travelogue blog too. Thanks a bunch


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Hi David!

Would love to be on your link list: http://www.backpackingchica.com

I´m doing a length RTW trip and will be blogging as I go about that as a young, solo traveler.

Cheers! 🙂

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Well,Hello there David.

It would be appreciate if u could link my personal journal blog.It's all about life,travel and photography.


my links :Aelfi Closet

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Malaysia Asia

Hi everyone, thank you for the postings and my apologies as I was away for the Christmas Holidays. I will update it now.

Regards and Happy New Year 2010!


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Pinay Traveller

Hi! Here's my link:

Blog: Pinay Traveller
URL: http://polmangilog.wordpress.com

Travel tips and insights of a Filipina traveller.

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Pinay Traveller

Thank you, by the way!


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Malaysia Asia

Hi Pauline,

Thanks and I have added you and Happy New Year 2010!


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Hi David,

Saw your reply to my message on Sepilok. Sure let's do an exchange. I like your writing and blog 🙂

Will do a link on my site.

Mine is Our Travelations (www.ourtravelations.com)
Basically, this website is a collection of experiences, memories, lessons and discoveries of a young, married couple who love to travel.

Thanks David!


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Hi David,

I'm adding your site right now. My blog is http://taxlawdiva.blogspot.com . It's my little cyber journal on my life and travels as an aspiring international law attorney.


Monica aka Ebony Law Diva

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Hi David
You have a very impressive blog, and great content. My wife is Malaysian and I love visiting your beatiful and friendly country.
We run a guest house in lovely Cape Town.

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Malaysia Asia

Aiden, thank you very much and I have added you under hotels.

Esther, thank you and added to the lists. Not many young couples achieve what you do by the way and it is awesome!

Monica, thank you very much. I have added you into the lists. Seems like an interesting travel lifestyle you have there.

Dennis, thank you for the kind words and I hope to bring more interesting articles here for everyone. By the way, I have included your Cape Town blog under Countries.

By the way, Happy New Year 2010 to everyone.


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Rich Dad

WTF?your blog had a same template with me, i didnt mean to copy paste your template, i just found your blog nowadays. Well, im interesting to make a link exchange with your blog. here is my link http://guidingthetravel.blogspot.com

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Your blog is very informative, because this will serve as a guidelines to all travelers. Your blog help promoting beautiful scenic spot here in Asia.

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Malaysia Asia

Hello everyone, my apologies for the absence as I was away in Koh Lipe, Thailand for the week. I will do updates later today.


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Malaysia Asia

Hello everyone, my apologies for the absence as I was away in Koh Lipe, Thailand for the week. I will do updates later today.


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Can you exchange hard link with me?
Category:Travel Tickets
Keyword:"Last minute flight deals"

What keyword you want for your link on my site? Thank you

Best regards,

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Leyla Giray

Hi David,

I'd like to suggest two new categories: Solo Travel, and Women's Travel.

My site would fit into either of these…

Women on the Road
Inspiration, information and advice for women who love to travel solo

And I'll go place a link back to your blog on this page: http://www.women-on-the-road.com/travel-resources.html

Cheers, Leyla

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Malaysia Asia

Hello Alex, added and for my link, just "Malaysia Asia – Traveling around Malaysia and Southeast Asia" would be great.

Leyla, thank you for your suggestion and I have added your link under Solo Travel.


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Thomas Lee/Lee Lip Pang

My ok? How about work travel?

Turbineman's Log

A brief photo description of my work site and travels while working

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Hi David,

I wanted to add my personal travel blog Gringa Espanola.


I put Malaysia Asia on my link page.

Thanks so much!


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I wish to add my personal travel blog to Alaska as well. I'm an Alaska Travel Expert and suggest http://www.alaskacharters.com

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Mine is First-time Traveler http://firsttimetravel.wordpress.com.I also linked you in my fave travelogue section in my blog site.


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tours of africa

Hi there, you truly have a lovely blog. Asia has always facinated me, but I've only ever seen it on tv. Beautiful places and delicious foods. My blog is called Tours Of Africa. I cover South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Mozamibique and much more. You can go to http://www.toursofafrica.blogspot.com

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Malaysia Asia

Hi everyone, please excuse my absence from here as it was the Chinese New Year Holidays here in Malaysia and lots of traveling done by me.

Anyhow, I have updated the last 5 entries. Thomas, Elena, John from Alaska Travel, Claire and Tours of Africa.

Keep the lists coming and just so you know, I am currently Google PR4 with a 389k Alexa Ranking as of 22nd Feb 2010.

Malaysia Asia

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Sophie’s World

Hey David,
I'd like my blog to be added under family travel, please.

Sophie's World – http://www.sophiesworld.net

I'll add yours as well.

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My blog is http://www.korea-diva.com. It is a personal travel blog, related to teaching and working in South Korea.

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Malaysia Asia

Sophie and Claudine, thank you very much and I have listed you in your respective sections in the travel link exchange.


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Hi David
I'm Alistair and my blog name is http://www.thesundownerslist.com
I'm writing about unconventional travels for students.
Thanks in advance

Ps: I added your blog to my blogroll

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Cheap Jay Z Tickets

yah its really very nice and informative thanks

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Mothers day Messages

thanks for sharing this informative post. i like it so much..

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Orlando Rental Vacations


You haev a great blog.I Would like to exchange links with you

Orlando Rental Vacations


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WOW! Congrats David!!! You got PR 4!!! Keep up the good work!


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cute sms

I have no idea about it but i would like to more information about it.

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Malaysia Asia

Alistair, will update shortly and hank you.

JZay, thank you for your visit to Travel Blog URL Link Exchange.

MDM, thank you for your visit too.

Orlando Rental, no worries and I will update you in the Travel Link Exchange.

Mylo, Thanks. Lots of hard work put in to this.

CuteSms, this is for people with travel blogs or sites to exchange links. Travel Related sites are encouraged to post here.


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Ariff Shah

Russia, based at Moscow.
More of personal life experience in Malay language.
Hope I could be added here.

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Hello David,

I read your comment on http://www.travelblogexchange.com and i want to make a link exchange if you're willing to.
My blog is http://enjoycyprusholidays.net.

Looking forward for your answer.

Have a nice day!

comments user

Hey David

We would like to do the Link exchange.

Title: The Reef Hotel – Koh Lipe

Description: – A small cozy Hotel 150 meter from Sunrise Beach | Koh Lipe – Thailand

URL: http://www.thereefthailand.com

You Back-Link: http://www.thereefthailand.com/links/links/recommended-sources.html

You Link is allready postet there 🙂

If you like to add somthing to your link just let me know.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Take care


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Kepala Batas Seberang Perai PENANG Malaysia
Surf …

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Malaysia Asia

Ariff, done for you and sent you a message too.

Morar, done too and thank you.

Mow, thank you and done. Sent you an email from your site too.

NazRism, first Homestay site I have so added in. Thank you.


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Beautiful Asia Tours Travel

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Malaysia Asia

Larry updated. Also did a massive update for the Lonely Planet Bloggers involved.


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I am interested in blog link exchange with your blog. please let me know the procedure for it

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Jay N

Hi. On your page, I noticed that you list some travel websites, but you didn't include Hostelz.com. Hostelz.com is the most complete database of hostel information available anywhere online. The site lists all hostels for free and includes direct contact info for hostels and exclusive photos and reviews.

If you could, please take a look at the site, and if you think it would be useful for your visitors it would be great if you could include it on your website. Thanks and let me know if you have any questions.

Sincerely, Jay

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Malaysia Asia

Hello Galvin, thank you for the interest. You just need to return the favour by adding my site to your links and let me know when its done. For your site, just let me know the title and url you want added here.

Jay, same as above, are you one of the staff for Hostelz?


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Budget Hotels In Shimla, Hotels In Shimla

This comment has been removed by the author.

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Hi David.

Appreciate if you could link my blog too even is not related to travel.

I love travel.



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Hello David,

Would you like to exchange links? my website, http://www.mygreektrip.com/. It is a travel guide for Greek Islands, Chios, Santorini, Lesvos, Samos and Kos. It includes local information with hotels, apartments, flights, ferries, car hire…

If you wish to link to my site please use the following information:

Title: Greek Islands – MyGreekTrip

MyGreekTrip is a travel guide of Greek Islands,?includes local information, hotels, ferries, flights, car hire… Chios, Santorini, Lesvos, Samos, Kos.

URL: http://www.mygreektrip.com/

I look forward to hearing from you.


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Which is best time to travel malyasia let me know..

Good post…

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If you fancy travelling to Malaysia but you wish to lay down a few plans first, this site can really help. It's for independent travellers who know what they want and where they want to go, without being herded around in a group. You can book just one mini-adventure or string them together to make a longer trip: http://www.malaysiatravelplan.co.uk


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Vietnam Responsible Travel

Dear David,
It's could be great if you allow me on your blog

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fishing manitoba

Good site

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costa rica hotels

I really liked your website, when I'm depressed or bored, change my humor is very entertaining

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Heathrow Airport Transfers

Good morning

Interest was the post and interesting the the work you guys are doing as a matter of fact.

I have emailed last night to Malaysian Embassy as I am thinking of knowing a bit more about establishing a business presence in Malaysia, maybe I will see you guys one day…



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Hi David! I would like to swap links with you 🙂

Traveling On A Shoestring
Tips for traveling the world on a shoestring budget, destination reviews and lots of amazing photos.

I've already added you under my links section.

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hotel reservation and dicsount coupon

i will add link back..thank you 🙂

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Hi David!

I've just changed my URL. Now its http://www.travelocafe.com/
Before it was http://travelingonashoestring.blogspot.com/. Could you change that for me in your blogroll please? Everything else can stay the same. Thanks a million!

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