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One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2

One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2

It was a chilly morning in Ichinoseki as we headed to one of World Vision Japan’s livelihood projects in Minamisanriku in Miyagi prefecture. This coastal town was among the hardest hit by the magnitude nine earthquake on March 11, 2011.

One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku Region – Part 2

minami-san-riku-town-japan One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2
Once home to about 17,000 people, this town has been almost entirely washed away by the tsunami.
japan-tsunami-effected-town One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2
The earthquake triggered a tsunami that travelled as far as 10 km inland, reducing the city to splinters and debris.

This coastal town, previously known for its stunning beaches, also used to thrive on its fishing industry and marine cultivation, more specifically, seaweed or wakame cultivation.

The seaweed cultivation can be harvested within 12 months. Hence, as part of the livelihood project, World Vision Japan (WVJ) decided to come up with all the necessary support to help restore the trade.

WVJ believes this project will improve the well-being of many children whose parents are seaweed fishermen. The tsunami destroyed approximately 95% of the 100 boats used for seaweed cultivation. Last October, WVJ provided twelve boats for twelve local ports in the Shizugawa and Togura districts in Minamisanriku.

minami-san-riku-seaweed-farmers One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2
The ‘wakame’ fishermen processed the seaweed planted in time, thanks to support from WVJ.
About 80% of fishermen interviewed by WVJ have lost their homes and equipment, which can cost from USD$20,000 to USD$30,000 a set.Therefore, in addition to the boats, WVJ has also provided boiling machines and compressors to process the seaweed. Besides providing many women with work opportunities, processed seaweed can sell for a much higher price, up to 10 times more!

seaweed-processing-machine-world-vision One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2world-vision-sponsored-machinery-japan One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2
Whilst part of the group went to see seaweed harvesting, some of us chatted with a local fisherman who had escaped the tsunami. Whilst feeding the salmons at sea, Mr Takao Sasaki saw the sinking of anchored fishing facilities.Later, he witnessed a whirlpool and saw oyster cultivation facilities drifting out to sea. Immediately, he veered his ship further out to sea to avoid the brewing tsunami.

When Mr Takao saw Japanese houses floating out to sea, he knew he was fortunate to have escaped a very destructive tsunami. However, upon docking his ship, he was still shocked to see that almost everything had been washed away, even the portlights.
japanese-fisherman-tsunami One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2
 Mr Takao Sasaki, a tsunami survivor, recounts his experience
of the destructive disaster
When the boat returned with the wakame harvest, the fishermen’s wives prepared some tasty and warm seaweed soup and salad, perfect for the harsh cold weather!
cooking-seaweed-japan One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2
cooked-seaweed-japan One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2
Fresh seaweed salad is ready to be eaten. Yum!
world-vision-japan One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2
Seaweed soup is very nutritious!
There is still much to be done for the wakame industry at Minamisanriku, and WVJ has some plans in store:
  1. To provide different equipment and facilities to process seaweed after cultivation
  2. Install twelve tents where wakame cultivators, including women, can share the equipment and work together.
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Wakame Fisherman
With our stomachs full of wakame, we headed to Shizugawa Hill. We passed long stretches of flattened ground, and there was much silence inside the bus (perhaps many were still feeling full from much wakame), almost echoing the sentiments of zero activity in the area.
minami-san-riku-tsunami-site One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2
View from Shizugawa Hill – these barren lands used to be a flourishing, beautiful town bustling with activities.
minami-san-riku-tsunami One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2
Some have compared the aftereffects of the tsunami to those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
world-vision-japan-charity One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2
world-vision-malaysia-japan One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region – Part 2
Along the way, we passed more flattened grounds where the WVJ building once stood.
If you want to know more, please visit the World Vision website.
You can also read Part One of the First Anniversary Observation of the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, as well as the diaries of volunteers and aid workers about their experiences during the early days of the tsunami.

Writer Lilian Chua was sent to the Miyagi prefecture by World Vision Malaysia to follow up on the One Year Anniversary Japan Earthquake Tsunami in the Tohoku region.

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Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Japan


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Life looks bleak for those affected as homes and livelihood was completely changed.

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Malaysia Asia

Thomas, thanks and yes, they went through a tough time but it's not stopping them from moving on with their lives which is great.

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