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Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 – Part 1

Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 – Part 1

Petra-Jordan-Photos-Samsung-Galaxy-Note-5 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
Petra in Jordan is considered one of the new 7 Wonders of the World. During my inaugural trip here in September 2015, I took the opportunity to capture some stunning Petra photos with my Samsung Galaxy Note 5 smartphone.
This astonishing city once thrived with a civilization dating back from the 2nd Century BC till the 5th Century AD.
It was occupied by the Nabataeans, Romans and Byzantines, which resulted in the unique mixed ancient architecture of Assyrian, Egyptian, Hellenistic and Romans.
Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note

Again, Jordan being in the middle east is one of the safest places I have been to date. The people are amazingly accommodating, while the attractions here are pretty awesome.

You have to try the food for yourself as my all-time favourite is, hands down, some of the Jordanian Briyani rice dishes. 
During my one week trip to Jordan, I visited several tourist attractions that Jordan offers, namely Petra, Basra, Amman, Aqaba and the Dead Sea.
You should also know that visiting Jordan is best done on a minimum of 5-7 days as there is a lot of overland travelling to these tourist locations. Some of them taking around 2-3 hours and is worth every minute. 
In this article, I will be highlighting my Petra Jordan Photos, which I took with a Samsung Galaxy Note 5, as it was recently launched in Malaysia and worldwide in early September.
Having read about how impressive the Note 5 camera was, I decided to put it to the test and below are the results.
All the photos were taken with the standard mode too. I will caption the images to give you an idea of the places explored in Petra. Click on the photos to see the full size too.

petra-jordan-photos-note-5 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
Just after you enter the main entrance, you will pass a few cave homes of the Bedouin people.
petra-photo-2015-galaxy-note-5 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
Various huge rock carved structures catch your eye as you head to the Gorge
petra-pictures-2016 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
Upon entering the Petra Gorge, you will follow it to the Treasury 
petra-gauge-photo Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
Walking through the Gorge, a fascinating experience for just about anyone
petra-jordan-note-5-photo-2 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
A Horse & Carriage takes visitors through the Gorge, this cost about JD$20-30 one way
petra-jordan-note-5-photo-25 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
The natural rock formations in the Gorge
petra-jordan-note-5-photo-12 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
Beautiful colours and rock formations of the Petra Gorge
petra-jordan-note-5-photo-26 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
The famous narrow gorge before the Treasury here in Petra
petra-jordan-note-5-photo-4 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
Another photo of the narrow gap before the Petra Treasury
treasury-building-petra Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
The Treasury, seen when you exit the narrow Gorge
the-treasury-petra-jordan Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
The Treasury was carved out of the rocks and is massive
petra-jordan-note-5-photo-7 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
Guards dress according to the old times at the Treasury
petra-jordan-note-5-photo-10 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
After the Treasure, the walk continues to the Kings Tombs
petra-jordan-note-5-photo-17 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
Camels are used to taxi visitors for a small fee, usually JD$5
petra-jordan-note-5-photo-22 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
Beautifully carved structures on the Gorge walls
petra-jordan-note-5-photo-20 Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 - Part 1
A couple of camels pose in front of the Kings Tombs here in Petra.
If you have enjoyed these photos of Petra, do look forward to more photo articles on Jordan as I plan to publish them in the coming weeks, highlighting the many other places I visited in Jordan.
A huge thanks to the Jordan Tourism Board for making this trip possible and accommodating the Southeast Asian team and me throughout the trip.
Our team agreed that this was, in fact, one of the most interesting, fun and exciting FAM trips ever done to date and hoping that other tourism boards from other countries will follow suit on how media or FAM trips should be.

I have to say that the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 has lived up to its name, and using the latest smartphone by Samsung really impressed me as from the photos above, you know that they mean business when camera phones come into play.

On a side note, for those viewing this using the latest smartphones or monitors, you will see the photos in high-resolution colours, while those using older smartphones or monitors will see them as standard. Also, you can follow me on Instagram and Twitter under the name @MalaysiaAsia.

Personally, I think this inaugural trip is not enough to see Jordan entirely, and I look forward to returning someday as there is much more to explore here.
If you have any comments about the photos or general questions, please feel free to do so in the comment form below and check out my Petra Jordan Photos with Samsung Galaxy Note 5, Part 2 story.

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