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Pictures of Penang

Pictures of Penang

kapitan-keling-mosque-penang Pictures of Penang
These pictures of Penang were taken during my visit to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of George Town, Penang in early October 2010 for my work.

Photos of Penang in this article shows a few of the beautiful places around the amazing heritage city of Georgetown where I explored by foot mostly.

The best way to see this UNESCO site is either by renting a bicycle or walking around the beautiful streets of George Town. Here, old pre-war colonial buildings and unique places of worship dominate the main town area while the old world lifestyle still continues as if time had not changed.

blue-mansion-penang Pictures of Penang
Cheong Fatt Tze or Blue Mansion in Penang

Without doubt, the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion or Blue Mansion is one of the must-visit places in Penang. An entrance fee is applicable for those wanting to explorer the insides of this majestic place.

You can also see more pictures of this very unique Chinese mansion on my Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion article.

Pictures of Penang

five-foot-walkway-penang Pictures of Penang
Love Lane 5-foot-walkway of a shop

kapitan-keling-mosque-dome Pictures of Penang
Kapitan Keling Mosque dome

old-chinese-school-penang Pictures of Penang
Shih Chung Chinese School abandoned

old-police-headquarters-penang Pictures of Penang
Colonial architecture in Gerogetown, the old police station

rickshaw-trishaw-chulia-street Pictures of Penang
Rickshaw at Lorong Chulia

uptown-bristo-pub-penang Pictures of Penang
Uptown Bistro utilizing an old building

wawasan-university-penang Pictures of Penang
Wawasan Open University maintaining the old mansion facade

The beauty about George Town Penang is that many of the businesses or governmental agencies maintain the original structures of the heritage buildings here.

This was practiced way before Penang was awarded the UNESCO Status and after the title, more emphasis has been put on these beautiful heritage buildings.

Renovations are carefully done, to the extent where modern structures are built around the original buildings. You can see a lot of these heritage structures along Northam Road or now known as Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah.

Overall, the island is truly a wonderful place to explore on foot or bicycle and a fantastic place to do  photography, especially around George Town UNESCO area.

For those who are into travel photography or enjoy photographing heritage buildings, the Pearl of the Orient is one of the places you must visit as it is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You would most likely be taking lots of pictures of Penang too. 

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I have go through your post and found some information which is quite important for me. So, please keep it up with your these kinds of posts.

San Antonio Hotel

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Lily Riani

wow! love you pic composition

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Malaysia Asia

Thanks Granbury.

Lili, thank you so much. Hope to deliver more pics like this in future 🙂


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villa begur

Your post is quite interesting and i am looking forward for your more posts..Pics are awesome..I had never been there and interesting in visiting there..So can you help me out by telling the budget that I should estimate over there?Thanks in advance..

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Malaysia Asia

V.Begur, thank you for the comment. For Penang, there is no Budget, you can either backpack or stay lux. It's entirely up to you. An estimate 3D/4N trip could set you back about RM500-1000 (US150-300) inclusive of food and lodging.


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beautiful pictures… love it!!

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Malaysia Asia

Heya Cath, thanks! When's the last time you went to Penang?


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Nice photos and at RM12 site seeing can be a steal. Unfortunately the last time I was in Malaysia I was only able to stay in KL 2 nights, it was beautiful but I really must go back.

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Malaysia Asia

Ayngelina, thank you and yes, the RM12 is worth it if you enjoy the culture & heritage of the Peranakan Lifestyle in Penang. Hope you make it back next year perhaps?


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Jobless Girl

Nice shoot.

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Barbara Weibel

Beautiful shots, David. And just how did I manage to miss the Cheong Fatt Tze or Blue Mansion? Just one more excuse to return, I guess!

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Malaysia Asia

Jobless Girl, thank you so much.
Barbara, I'm surprised you didn't visit the Blue Mansion, as you mentioned, good excuse to come back to Penang for a few days next round.


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Car Rental Nz


I like this pictures of penag.

Thanks alot share this pictures with us.

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nice pic….

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