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Shopping in Akihabara

Shopping in Akihabara

akihabara Shopping in Akihabara

Shopping in Akihabara is hands down a must-do thing if you are a gadget or electronic lover. My recent trip to Tokyo in 2012 left me with choices of places to visit here, and this was on top of my list as the last time I saw Akihabara was back in 1990.

That was 22 years ago, and I had to see how things have changed since my last visit here. To my surprise, the development of Akihabara left me speechless as, from a mere few streets of electrical gadgets, it has extended into such a prominent place.

I remember I covered most of the main places in under half a day. That time only let me see half of the entire area.

Shopping in Akihabara

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Gadgets and such are sold in boxes outside stores.

I remember those days when traders would stand on boxes with loudhailers yelling in Japanese about the sale. Headphones, mini disc players, and Walkmans were the rave then.

These days, I saw young Japanese girls dressed in cute uniforms giving out leaflets to passersby, inviting them to the selected shops.

They can be spotted at most junctions along the main street here. Even in the cold weather, they were primarily seen in skimpy school uniforms or maid costumes with colourful wigs and knee-high stockings. Ahh… Japan!

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Main shopping area.

The bigger corporations have put dominance along the main streets with huge mega electrical stores and hypermarts. Some are even multiple floors high.

My exploration once again took me towards the back lanes of Akihabara, where I stumbled upon the good old small vendors that sold all sorts of gadgets, second-hand goods and many other interesting and quirky items.

At these little stores, you have to sieve through boxes of stuff, and you may find something interesting.

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Cameras are sold on the streets in Akihabara.

While walking around the back lanes, I also noticed many Japanese Maid Cafes operating, especially on the first floor of the buildings.

Cute Japanese girls in maid costumes would stand on the balcony, clapping their hands and shouting Japanese words to get customers’ attention.

Well, that being one of the top novelties in Japan, I totally pushed that curiosity out of my head and continued with my fascination with the electric city here. Really, I did!

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Electrical goods on display.

Among the things that amazed me were how some of these vendors put high-end electrical items like video cameras and digital cameras on plain tables with a tablecloth outside their shop for display.

However, in Kuala Lumpur, they would be behind the lock and key in a glass cabinet which is out of reach from the customer.

A Canon Video Recorded sold for $500 here and was selling for only $150 there. Again, I was just astonished and went along my way.

Other interesting items included a hard disc which came in 2.5 to 3 Terra Bytes, which was 30-40% cheaper than in Malaysia!

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Cheap phones and tablets.

In 2012, the iPhone 4s and iPad 2 was the hottest item around and over here in Akihabara, they were selling for dirt cheap! The only catch, it was all in Japanese.

I found a salesperson who spoke very basic English, and he told me that the cheap units were only for Japanese use and not overseas.

So if you are looking for really good deals here, double-check if the items are for worldwide use.

However, exploring a camera shop was interesting as the items sold there were, in fact, for worldwide use.

All models are about $75-150 cheaper than in Malaysia, but here is the catch – The units all come with a Japanese text display. So you need them to change it to English before leaving the store.

For Japanese Manga lovers or gamers, this would also be a haven for you. My advice, bring a Japanese friend who can translate everything for you. Otherwise, you will be in for some language issues if you speak something other than Japanese.

There were tons of games being sold, some even in bundles. A friend who was exploring the other parts found a super deal here.

He went through some of the boxes displayed outside a store and six-second hand Nintendo DX Lite sets selling for about $30 each.

Taking all six, he eventually got them for $25 each. So, if you are into specific electrical or gaming stuff, this would be your mecca.

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Akihabara main street.
The rest of the afternoon, I indulged myself by trying to cover most of the place but did not buy anything.

I was looking for a DSLR camera, so most places I ventured into were camera stores. I saw a few, but the Japanese in-screen text turned me off again.

The next time I visit Akihabara, I will have something that I will need. Who knows. Anyway, below are a few more pictures taken around this fantastic place.  

Photos of Akihabara

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A Japanese promoter outside one of the electrical shops.

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Sega Building.

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A famous Maid Cafe in Akihabara.

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Japanese Maid Costumes for sale!

How To Get To Akihabara? 

Once in Tokyo, you must enter the Tokyo Metro or any other leading train service and look for the Akihabara Station. Most trains would pass this station too.

Also, the best way to travel around Tokyo is through the impressive subway system. There are signages in English, and the ticket vending machines are in multiple languages.

My trip to Tokyo was via AirAsia X as the airline flies straight into Haneda Airport in Tokyo, which is much more convenient than Narita Airport, which I also reviewed.

This was my second trip here after visiting Osaka with the same airline a few months earlier in 2013. Find out what to do in Osaka if you see this other amazing Japanese city.

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The streets of Akihabara in Tokyo.

Final Thoughts on Shopping in Akihabara

Overall, Akihabara is a must-visit place in Tokyo if you love electronics and gadgets. On the bright side, if you are following your spouse, friend or loved one, check out some of the quirky items sold there.

What I mean is that I saw some shops selling –
of all things, Maid Costumes! Ready to wear too. There is a
market for these, and they were relatively cheap too.

Food is available throughout the area as there are some great Japanese Ramen shops and popular fast food joints.

At the end of the day, I recommend spending at least 4 to 6 hours here if you plan to shop in Akihabara.

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Samsung Rex 90 S5292 GPS

Tokyo shopping comes in many shapes and sizes and suits all pockets and budgets. Choose from every kind of fashion conceivable, accessories, gadgets and electronics.

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