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Sunset at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Sunset at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

sunset-kota-kinabalu-sabah-marlin Sunset at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Sunset at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah is my picture of the week. I took this picture while heading to the Kota Kinabalu (KK) Waterfront to capture the evening sunset in May 2010. Before I reached the waterfront, the Marlin Statue stood out in a silhouette against the evening sky which caught my attention.

This famous statue serves as a roundabout along the coastal road at KK’s busiest areas. Nearby is the Suria KK, a new upmarket shopping center in Kota Kinabalu. View my other Sunset Pictures

For the many times that I have been to Kota Kinabalu, I have hardly seen an evening go by without an amazing and beautiful Sabah Sunset. Some people say that this place is one of the best places in Malaysia to catch beautiful sunsets.

Another place which I managed to get a pretty nice photograph is of the Sabah Sunset at Kuala Penyu, a district about two hours out of Kota Kinabalu city.

If you plan to visit this coastal city, make sure you check out the waterfront area here and for those who have been to KK will know that this is one of the best places to catch a beautiful sunset in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. 

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Oooh… This is simply gorgeous!

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Malaysia Asia

Thank you Simon, makes you want to come here sooner?

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wowww..so amazing.. =)

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Malaysia Asia

Thanks Syufaa and Zakynthos 🙂

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Wilson Ng

Merry Xmas David and Lilian. It has been a great year traveling with you. Rachel and I will be happy to travel more often with you too in 2011. All the best in 2011!

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Malaysia Asia

Thanks Wilson, likewise and hope 2011 brings some interesting travels for us both. Look forward to traveling together.

Traveller's Anatomy, thank you very much. Hope yo catch some of your sunset shots too.


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Awesome sunset!

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Malaysia Asia

Thanks very much Wan, Robo and Jade. I need to look up more of my old Sunset Shots to post.


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Malaysia Asia

Thanks very much C.H.P, hope you make it to Kota Kinabalu one day to witness the amazing sunsets here.

Malaysia Asia

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Beautiful!!!! and I miss KK… 😀

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Malaysia Asia

Hey Cath, didn't you just get back from KK?


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