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Travel Contest 2012 Winners for AirAsia Trip to Japan

Travel Contest 2012 Winners for AirAsia Trip to Japan

airasia-x-japan-travel-contest Travel Contest 2012 Winners for AirAsia Trip to Japan
This article is to announce the winners of the Win an All Expense Paid Trip to Japan with AirAsia X. After 30 days of running the online travel contest, over 2368 pictures from all over Asia Pacific were submitted for this contest.

Travel Contest 2012 Winners for AirAsia Trip to Japan

  • Four (4) winners were selected by AirAsia X management to go on this amazing trip to Tokyo and Osaka in Japan.
  • The four winners will spend 7 days and 6 nights between cities and visit exciting places there. They will also be shuttled via the world-famous Japanese Shinkansen Bullet Train.
  • To everyone else who participated in this travel photography contest, Malaysia Asia and AirAsia X would like to thank you for your submissions and contributions.
  • Many excellent photographs were submitted, and the initial shortlisted pictures will be featured on the Facebook Page.
  • Without hesitation, below are the four winners based on creativity in submitting the most creative picture(s) with the “X” element in it.
Note that there was no voting for the best picture based on creativity. Congratulations to all four winners, and I wish you a safe, fun, and wonderful trip to Japan by flying with AirAsia X!
navinunderscorenavyathotmaildotcom2 Travel Contest 2012 Winners for AirAsia Trip to Japan
WINNER No.1 – Submission by Navin 
meloydotcoatgmaildotcom Travel Contest 2012 Winners for AirAsia Trip to Japan
WINNER No.2 – Submission by Melody
ryanlauuathotmaildotcom2 Travel Contest 2012 Winners for AirAsia Trip to Japan
WINNER No.3 – Submission by Ryan Lau
 sarikatakigawaatgmaildotcom3 Travel Contest 2012 Winners for AirAsia Trip to Japan
WINNER No.4 – Submission by Sarikata
The winners will be contacted via email and are to make arrangements for their Japanese Visa as the trip to Tokyo will depart on the 16th of February 2012.
Generally, the Visa takes about three (3) working days. With that, Malaysia Asia and AirAsia X would like to thank everyone who participated in this, and we look forward to bringing you more interesting Online Travel Contests. Again congrats to all four travel contest 2012 winners for AirAsia trip to Japan.

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Japan Travel Contest AirAsia X


comments user
Diana Diane Teo

The winner No. 1 & no. 4 seems to be related. Hehehe..

But anywhere, all the photo of the winners are deserve to win. And myself would agree that winners are choosen based on their creativity, not based on voting which are quite bias currently. Congratulation to all the winners 😀

comments user

Congrats for every winner, but I have an objection about judging system….. I think You Gyz not take enough time for selecting the picture… Anyway best luck for the winners…..

comments user

Very poor judgment. That might be hamper any upcoming Photo contest organized by You.

comments user

Funny!!! “Malaysia Asia”Why are you Losing your Goodwill by arranging with this Bull shit Photo contest .

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so sharp the judges' eye , u can pick up no 1 an 4 from the same background out of 1000 over photos.i thinks the judges can enter the world guiness world record!!

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Among the prize winning pictures the only good one is the photograph of the railway station by Bryan Gau. The other three are quiet dissapointing. I wonder, where is the creativity and originality, which were said to be considered during the judging of the contest! Was there an eligible photographer in the judging panel or not? Seems the contest is truly not up to the mark.

comments user

What a farce named a contest! Pondering whether the judges were blind or biased. Were none others but these four were the best ones among 1,000 selected photos? Seems it is like a great joke to the true photographers, which was not expected from a renowned airlines like you.

Comment by – Jyoti

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looks like a veeerrryyy bias judgement… pic no.1 and pic no4, sent by different names, but picture taken at the same place??? even same style of pic.. come on… people are not so fool not to notice this.. really feel cheated…

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-Great Lens Photography-


Just respect judges decision. Albeit something fishy has gone through this contest, judges still have their sense of judgement which shall be respected.

Anyway, I myself as a photographer cant see "so much" creativity on picture no 1 & 4 – quite similar especially the aspect of lightning and background. I've seen more good shots/entries than this.

Congrats to the "deserving winners"..

-Great Lens Photography-

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Whats wrong with having the same background? Was it in the rules and regulations that family cant participate together?

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this is shittttt!!!

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Malaysia Asia

Guys, it's a contest, judges decision has been made and it was purely on creativity and fun factor. If you want to pass comments, do it with your name instead of anonymous.

In any contest, there will be winners, losers and unhappy participants but again, it is a contest. Maybe next time we run a vote/like contest, I'm sure many will have something to say about that too.

Again, thank you for all those who participated and congrats to the winners.

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Congrats to all winners.. 🙂

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Rama Wayoga

Cngrts alll…. Ehm, I think the 1st and 4th winner are friends yaaaa…. look the background… :))

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can someone explain to me where is the X element in the 3rd photo? been looking at the photo for minutes now and i still can't see it.

i'm not complaining, i'm just really curious as to where the X is. 🙂

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おめでとうございます! 日本にたのしみにください…
いいな(^_^) 日本に行きたい!

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two picture's place is same….funny for winning….

comments user

ya i totally agree that pic 1 and 4 is same place ~the judgement so poor ~should give more chance to other people ~feel very disapponted this kind of result ~ ~not fair !!!! ~anyways congraz to the other winner

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Mr.David Jr, Ya this contest and this is Judging.But this the Comedy Judging ever. LOL…….. hahahahaa………..

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Malaysia Asia

Thank you for your insights and comments. Everyone has a right to voice out what and how they feel as it is a free world. I will seriously look into the feedback given here and hopefully work out some other system in future.

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