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White Tiger Picture of the Week

White Tiger Picture of the Week

white-tiger-singapore White Tiger Picture of the Week

This White Tiger is my picture of the week and this was taken in the Singapore Zoo during one of my working trips here.

For this shot, I manage to catch the tiger walking around the enclosure and suddenly decided to take a dip in the surrounding pool.

This beautiful majestic cat all in white with black stripes is actually a Bengal White Tiger which is one of the many here at the Singapore Zoo.

White tigers are rare because they suffer from a genetic condition that strips their fur of the orange pigment, leaving the animal with snow-white fur, black stripes, and blue eyes. They are also found in South Asia, namely India.

White Tiger Picture

singapore-zoo-white-tiger White Tiger Picture of the Week Heading down to the water

bengal-white-tiger White Tiger Picture of the Week
About to get into the water

bengel-white-tiger-zoo White Tiger Picture of the Week
Bengal White Tiger getting wet

white-tigers White Tiger Picture of the Week
Jumping out of the water

Edit: I added more White Tiger pictures as many people have not seen them. Above is a series of pictures taken from me. I used a Nikon D60 with an 18-200 mm lens for the shots.

If you like these majestic cats, I have some other pictures of White Tigers in Bali during a trip to the island in June 2011.


To see these amazing animals, you can visit the Singapore Zoo as they have a special area dedicated to these beautiful creatures. 

The cats are a popular attraction at the zoo, and almost everyone visiting here would surely stop to see the White Tiger and get a picture like I did. 

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Great photo 🙂

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Loved it, Sad to see tigers in the wild declining- may be not too distant when the only ones left are in zoos…or farms.

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Fantastic shot David. I saw these guys at the Singapore Zoo. They were awesome.

Thanks for posting to Travel Photo Thursday.

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I love Singapore. Visited the zoo last time I was there. don't remember seeing this fellow but if I get the chance, I will. Great photo, thanks for sharing…

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Wow- so close to him, too. Great shot, they are absolutely beautiful!

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For some reason i'm surprised to see one in water!

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Malaysia Asia

Muza-chan – Thanks very much. Have many more too.

Jim – I hear you and hopefully the Tiger Conservation here takes off well.

Nancy – You're most welcome and glad you saw them live.

Keith – Ahh, they have a special area for this in the zoo. Probably missed it?

Jade – I used a 200mm lens from the barrier there, cropped it so it looks much closer.

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Malaysia Asia

Robin, exactly, I was watching him move around on the ground and then he suddenly went into to water to look around when he saw me photographing him 🙂

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He must have known that you he was going to be famous from your photograph :). What a beautiful animal.

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Debbie Beardsley @ European Travelista

Awesome tiger! They are such beautiful animals.

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I'm with Robin – never expect to see one in the water. What a shame they are becoming so rare.

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Very cool shot! This is my first time seeing a Bengal White Tiger.

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Malaysia Asia

Laurel – I guess he did. Only if he got a little closer 🙂

Debbie & Leigh – They are and people need to stop the killing.

Randy – Me too, seen them on TV and always thought they were Siberian White Tigers. I guess we learn something new everyday. Thanks!

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I love white tigers….great photo pic, David.

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Dave and Deb

Wow, that is a beautiful animal. I have never seen a White Tiger before. I wonder how many are left in the wild.

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Cathy Sweeney

That's a really cool photo. Love it! I agree with Robin – I don't know why, but I'm surprised to see a a tiger in water. I need to learn more about them.

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Mark Wiens

I love that reflection of the tiger in the water, great shot of an amazing animal!

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Jeremy B

Wow, that is beautiful. I didn't even know white tigers like that existed!

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The Dropout

Although I don't really like the idea of animals being caged, the Singapore Zoo is a great place to get really close to the animals.
There's many animal enclosures that have perspex walls, so you get within touching distance.
I always feel that the big cats need a bit more room than what they've got though.

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I don#t like zoos, but I like white tigers, so, this is book marked for my trip to Singapore in September.

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Michael Figueiredo (struxtravel)

Such a beautiful animal (and photo)! They used to have white tigers at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, until one of them tried eating the animal trainer. I forgot if it was Siegfried or Roy…

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Malaysia Asia

Aviewtoathrill, Dave and Deb – Thanks and I too would love to find out how many are left in the world.

Cathy – Thank you. Apparently, tigers are used to water, especially when they hunt, unlike our domestic cats.

Mark – Thank you very much!

Jeremy – Singapore Zoo has them, If I'm not mistaken, there's 3 or 4 of them here.

The Dropout – You're absolutely right. Recently, the Malaysian Zoos got into some trouble when the media probed them quietly and exposed the sad living conditions.

Inka – Awesome, I can assure you that the Singapore Zoo is one of the best in the world too. Let me know dates and we could possibly meet up there.

Michael – Yes, I remember that incident a few years ago. By the way, one of these White Tigers here killed a zookeeper a couple of years ago too.

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These are fantastic shots of the white tigers. Next time I'm in Singapore I"ll have to visit!

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Absolutely fabulous!

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The one jumping out of the water is awesome! I have not seen one is some time but would like to view them in the wild.

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Love the additonal pictures.

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The Travel Chica

Stunning photos!

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Awesome blog! 🙂

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Christy @ Technosyncratic

Beautiful photos! They're such stunning creatures, and you've captured them well. 🙂

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Malaysia Asia

AdventureswithBen – Thanks and yes, do visit the Singapore Zoo when you are there next time.

Sue & Inka – Thanks!

Grace – Thank you. I really do not know where the White Tigers can be seen in the wild. Let me know if you find one.

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Cozumel hotels

very rare pics u got
and what a beautiful creature is this
those white tiger images are really so beautiful.
amazing man

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Bahama All Inclusive

I am glad to catch this white tigers from your article. It has information and photos I have been searching for a long time. You definitely put a new spin on a subject thats been written about for years. Great stuff, just great!

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