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Tourism Malaysia TV Commercials

Tourism Malaysia TV Commercials

tourism-malaysia-tv-commercial-2016 Tourism Malaysia TV Commercials

Here is a compilation of Tourism Malaysia TV Commercials 2016, which has been done early in the year to promote Malaysia Truly Asia to the world.

These commercials are all done mostly by local agencies based on the different target markets from around the region and world and the client is no other than Tourism Malaysia.

Tourism Malaysia TV Commercials
Every year, The Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia and Tourism Malaysia comes out with new TVC’s which is in line with the marketing strategy to attract visitors to the country.
For 2016, the concept is – See, Hear and Touch, where visitors are invited to Malaysia to experience these three elements that come in many things.

To date, the main campaign is yet to be seen as work is ongoing to produce these new Tourism Malaysia Ads.

Malaysia Truly Asia 2016 TVC – South Asia

Malaysia Truly Asia 2016 TVC – Thailand

Malaysia Truly Asia 2016 TVC – Indonesia

Malaysia Year of Festivals 2015 TVC

Malaysia Truly Asia TVC 2014 – The Essence of Asia by Yuna

The Essence of Asia commercial spot was the main television commercial for the Visit Malaysia Year 2014 or VMY2014 and was accepted well the world over.
There were many versions with different timing; some were one minute long, and some even seven minutes long.

Tourism Malaysia TVC 2013 – Undeniable Malaysia

The above is a collection of Tourism Malaysia TVC’s from 2013 till 2016. You can easily see how the progression from 2013 to 2014 and then in 2015 for Malaysia Year of Festivals took a complete twist by trying something different, and many people thought it was not suitable for a tourism spot.

And now, come 2016, the new campaign has been launched, but the angle of the direction seems to be clearly targeting specific markets. But the storyline and cinematography seem to have taken a huge budget cut resulting in what you see now. 

However, the main Tourism Malaysia Oceanic and other regions TVC should also be out by mid-year, so we are looking forward to that spot. Hopefully, it comes out as a winner like the 2013 and 2014 spot where it truly showcased the essence of Asia. 

The main photo is from engineeringjunkiekids.wordpress.com, as it shows the bay of Bohey Dulang in Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia.


This is one of the beautiful and stunning picturesque places in Malaysia and is a 30-minute hike uphill to get this view. I should be heading to Semporna somewhere this year, and you can also follow my live feeds on my Instagram account of MalaysiaAsia.

Finally, I would like to know your honest thoughts on the current Tourism Malaysia TVC or 2016, so please feel free to share them in the comment form below.

There are a few more Tourism Malaysia TV Commercials 2016 being done currently, just that they will only be out somewhere in the middle of the year.

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such a nice video!

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